Building a Friendship.

Building a Friendship.

Always Friends make life meaningful.

After the 12thcompleted , you may find that your friends have all gone in different fileds. Some may be in searching for what yo do some may have started a new job and others college,. Trying to find your new place in life can be difficult. If you are starting college, you may feel lonely or homesick for your school days and school friends. You might look around your classes and realize that you dont know anyone.

Making new friends can be intimidating, but it is definitely rewarding. After all, friends form a big part of our life for most of us. They are the ones who walk through life together, share our ups and downs, and pains and joys. Without friends, life wouldnt be the same at all. We wouldnt be who we are if not for them. You can either have everyday whom you meet up every now and then to catch up or hang out with. You can generally talk about regular topics under the sun. You can also have special friends with whom you can talk about anything and everything. You may or may not meet up every day, but it doesnt matter as the strength of your friendship is not determined by how frequently you meet up — it is more than that. These are the friends you can trust to be there for you whenever you need them, and they will go the extra mile for you.

How to Make Friends

  • Smile at others. Smiling is the most important thing you can do to look friendly and approachable. When you catch someones eye or someone talks to you, smile — it lets the person know that youre glad to interact, even if you dont know what to say.
  • Be a good listener. Listening is an important part of any friendship, whether its a new or old friendship. Listen carefully to what your classmate is saying, and then respond with something related to what they were saying. Make mental notes of things they say, so that you can follow up on the same topic the next time you see the person.
  • Start by asking questions. If youre not sure how to start up a conversation with a new person, begin by asking them a question. Normally people are happy to open up and talk about themselves. You could try something about school, like, Did you understand this lesson? or How do you like this class? or Where did you go to school?
  • Share a little about yourself. When meeting new people, its important to share alittle bit about yourself too. You dont want to talk too much and dominate the conversation, but you also dont want to clam up and not say anything. Try to balance out the conversation so you are each talking and listening about half the time.
  • Pay compliments. If you notice a classmate doing something well or wearing something you like, simply give them a quick compliment. People always love to receive compliments, and it will open the door to more conversation.
  • Offer help. If you see the other person struggling offer to help, whether it is with academics or otherwise.

Friendship is about both you and the other person. Get to know the person as an individual and find out about his family,hobbies and goals.

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